To a topaz late harvest wine.
To a topaz late harvest wine.
Topaz is made in the style of the Sauternes and Barsac regions of France. I use Semillion and Sauvignon Blanc grapes that are always kissed by Botrytis Cinera, a divine and mystical creation also known as “Noble Rot”. Under the ideal conditions of the ripe grapes being exposed to moisture and alternating with warm dry days Botrytis can almost double the sugar content of those grapes in 3-4 weeks. Yes I'm talking serious fructose here, at times 40°+ Brix. I think I have your attention now.
Topaz has been enjoyed across North America, in England, Germany, France and Japan. It has been enjoyed by past presidents, former 49er Quarterbacks and the very hard working Napa Valley vineyard workers.
I have been making my own wine for over 30 years. I have helped others make, sell and drink wine for over 45 years. This ain't no overnight sensation. I'm just trying to bring it into the 21st century. My wines have a beautiful balance of sugar, acid, alcohol and intense flavors. They are fresh and alive.
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When I arrived in the Napa Valley in 1978 I owned a pickup truck with a camper shell, a kayak, a bicycle and one share of the American dream. I went to work on the dividends right away. When I leave I will be taking a lot less with me, but what a wild and crazy ride it's been!
Jeff Sowells, Proprietor
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